Frequently Asked Questions

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Who has access to and owns the data collected through Zamplo?

The Zamplo team does not have access to participant or study data. Only authorized researchers can decrypt and access data. Study participants and patients also have the right to own their data.

What kind of security and privacy does Zamplo follow?

Commitment to patient privacy is at the core of Zamplo. It is PIPEDA and SOC2 compliant.

Study participants must provide their informed consent to be part of a project. Data entered into Zamplo is never sold for marketing purposes or to third parties. It is always encrypted and resides in Canada. Data extraction can be performed on Zamplo Research only by authorized users.

Click here to find out more about our security and privacy policy.

Where is my data stored?

All of the data on Zamplo is stored with Amazon Web Services in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Do I have to be in Canada to use Zamplo?

You do not have to be located in Canada to use Zamplo. Zamplo and Zamplo Research are digital and available worldwide.

Do patients and participants have to be located in Canada?

Patients and participants who take part in a study or project do not have to be located in Canada. As long as they have internet access to Zamplo, they can be located anywhere in the world.

What role has ethics played in research projects using Zamplo?

The Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta Cancer Committee (HREBA-CC) has approved two studies that are collecting data through Zamplo. HREBA-CC implements ethical oversight and review in Alberta for protocols and annual renewals for cancer-related research involving humans and their personal information.

What languages is Zamplo available in?

Zamplo is currently available in English, but will soon include French and Dutch as well.

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