Sharing Resources in the Health Library

Learn how to share resources, including websites, images, videos, and documents using the Health Library.

In this how-to tutorial, learn how to share resources using the Health Library in Zamplo Research.

Watch the video below or click here to read the step-by-step guide.



Resources are electronic educational materials, including websites, images, videos, and documents. Sharing resources through the Health Library allows participants to access relevant and credible information in a central location.

Navigating the Health Library:

  1. Select the study profile from the “Study Profile” dropdown
  2. Click the “Study Setup” dropdown and select “Health Library
  3. Here you will see a list of the resources you upload
  4. Select the three dots on the right to delete, edit, copy to different study profiles, or make the resource public

Note #1: By default, resources are set to private and if you want to make a resource available to all Zamplo App users, you will have to manually set it to public. Please note that once a resource is set to public, it cannot be made private or deleted. 


Import an Existing Resource:

  1. To import an existing resource from a different study profile, select “Import Existing Resource
  2. Select the study profile and resource
  3. Click “Import


To Add a New Resource:

  1. Click the “Add New Resource” button
  2. Add the URL of the resource, or upload it as a file
  3. A title will automatically be generated
  4. Enter a description
  5. Add tags to provide further information and to make the resource easier to search for
  6. Select a relevant field to assign the resource to
  7. Once you are done, select “Next
  8. Choose who you want to send the resource to: select participants, all participants, or a group of participants that you’ve set up using Study Groups
  9. Click “Next
  10. Confirm the details of the resource and select “Done


Selecting Participants & Participant Reminders:

  1. If you chose “Select Participants” or want to send the resource to additional participants, click on the blue link to the right of the resource
  2. Select individuals by clicking the check box next to their name
  3. Click “Share
  4. To send a reminder notification to a participant, click on the “Send a Reminder” button that is on the right side of the screen

And that’s it! You now know how to create and share health resources within Zamplo Research. 


Navigate back to our Help Center for more how-to tutorials.

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