How to Set up a Survey

Setting up a Survey will allow you to send standardized questionnaires to participants to measure the precise outcomes established in the protocol of the study.

In this how-to tutorial, learn how to set up, edit, delete, and publish Surveys in Zamplo Research.

Watch the video below or click here to read the step-by-step guide.



Note: You must publish a survey for it to get sent to participants

To set up a Survey:

  1. Login to your Zamplo Research account
  2. From the dashboard, navigate to the left side of the screen and click on the “Study Setup” dropdown
  3. Then click “Surveys
  4. Select “Create New Survey
  5. To begin, fill out the Survey name
  6. Next, fill out the description
  7. You can add an image to the Survey by selecting “Add Image
  8. To help participants know how long it will take them to complete the Survey, you can add in an Estimated Duration
  9. Next, Data Privacy allows you to see that a survey was completed but excludes survey results from csv exports and participant overview screens. This is meant to protect participant privacy regarding Survey results
  10. Consent forms allow you to collect consent once per survey, once per survey instance, or once per participant. For consent forms that are manually added, you can select the check box to activate it for the Survey
  11. Next, this is where you will add the questions for the Survey. Click on the dropdown menu to select a question type 

To schedule a Survey:

  1. Select the participants you want to send the Survey to. This can be all participants within the study or select participants that have been put into a study group
  2. Select the event that you want to be the baseline for scheduling
  3. Set the "Start Day Number" and "Active Days." The Start Day Number is the day you want the Survey to go out based on the event. The Active Days number is how much time you want to give a participant to fill out the Survey
  4. Select a Survey frequency for the Survey you have set up

Finishing the Survey:

  1. Now let’s finalize the details of the Survey
  2. Select “Save
  3. Here is where you can view drafted or published Surveys you have already created
  4. It’s important to note that when Surveys are saved, they are saved as a draft. To make a Survey live, select the three dots on the right side and click on “Publish Survey” 

 And that’s it! You now know how to create a Survey and can publish it for participants to fill out.

Navigate back to our Help Center for more how-to tutorials.

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