Different Data Types

Various types of data can be collected from participants during projects using Routines. These include symptoms, medications and supplements, activities, and other health data.

In this how-to tutorial, learn about the different Data Types in Zamplo Research.

Watch the video below or click here to read the step-by-step guide.



Various types of data can be collected from participants during projects, such as symptoms, medications and supplements, activities, and other health data.

This data is collected using Routines. Routines, captured as participant Entries, allow Researchers to gather different points of data that are tracked over time. Routines are beneficial if you want to collect supplementary data that could be used to further inform study results.



Symptoms may be physical or mental, such as anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, muscle aches, or stress. You may choose to add symptoms to a routine if you want to monitor what symptoms appear or change due to a treatment plan or how a diagnosis may impact a participant’s symptoms.

You may also want to assess the impact of symptoms with other health data, such as medications or activities, that’s captured during the project.


Medications & supplements

Medications and supplements may include medications such as Tylenol, seizure medication, or Amoxicillin or supplements such as zinc, magnesium, or vitamin D.

You may add medications and supplements to a routine if you want to monitor a participant’s medication dose and frequency. You may also want to assess the impact these may have on a participant and any symptoms that arise.



Activities refer to any physical or psychosocial behavior participants engage in as part of their wellness routine. This could be something physical, like yoga, running, or gardening, or psychosocial, like mindfulness meditation or journaling.

You may add an activity to a routine if you want to monitor a participant’s activity frequency and duration. You may also want to assess the impact an activity has on a participant and their overall health.


Health data

Health data allows tracking for anything not in the other categories. This can include monitoring participants’ health-related information such as blood glucose, temperature, water intake, respiratory rate, or O2 saturation levels.

You may add health data to a routine for a flexible way to monitor certain metrics within participants’ health that are outside of standard medications, supplements, activities, or symptoms. You might also want to assess the impact these health data metrics have on a participant and their overall health during a project.


Those are the main types of health information that can be tracked within Zamplo Research. To learn how you can utilize these within Routines, check out our Routines video.


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